More Wow Moments!

Great news! Whatever age you are - your best age can be NOW! In fact, science has found that people are actually happier from age 50 onward. However, happiness doesn't just happen by default; you need to be proactive and have a positive mindset. Have you been asking yourself lately, “Is this IT? Is this all there is?” 

Will you limp along, or take charge of your destiny? Challenge yourself to be more present daily and to notice more of the “Wow Moments” in your life. This will trigger a multiplier, ripple effect and create even more Wow Moments to eventually become Wow Years!

I love the mantra (words used to maintain concentration in meditation): Now, Wow!  This is a shortened version of the mantra, Present moment, Wonderful moment! that I learned years ago during a meditation class in Venice, California. I especially loved this phrase because all we ever have is the present moment. We no longer have the past and we don’t yet have the future. The present moment is the only thing that is real. All we ever have is now. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to focus your mind on the experiences in the present moment and accept the present moment. Take a deep breath, be grateful and say the mantra, Now, Wow! over and over.

Appreciate your Wow Moments now: your blessings, the love in your life, breathe in the awe of life, the blue sky, the most beautiful Spring in years, the birds chirping, your loved ones, your health, this gorgeous day… Say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"  Watch how gratitude multiplies your Wow Moments. The possibilities are more exciting, and you'll feel happier in the present moment with this Now-Wow attitude. You’ll bounce out of bed in the morning like an energizer bunny, ready for the amazingly awesome day ahead! This mantra will bump your life up to a higher level. Your Wow Moments will become Wow Months and ultimately Wow Years! 

In my new book, "Your Wow Years - Supercharge the Second Half of Life,"  I share more ideas, stories, action steps and examples to help you discover what lights you up, what you really want to be doing in your life, so you can rock your next chapter - Your Wow Years!  

Follow this link to my e-book on Amazon (free Kindle reading app available on your phone) at the special price of $2.99:  

And a link to the $19.99 paperback version:  Now an Amazon Best Seller! 

Rita Connor

Rita Connor is a life/career coach and seminar leader who leads Reinvent Yourself Workshops, especially focusing on helping “burned-out” men and women to reinvent themselves.   She also writes an inspiring  blog called "Live the Wow Now".  Rita's specialty is helping you make your NEXT ACT - your most awesome chapter of life EVER!